Tuesday, December 15, 2009


  • Tanggalkan kulit dari daging ayam sebelum dimakan.

  • Elakkan dari menambah kicap atau lain-lain sos, minyak, mayonis, krim atau mentega ke dalam makanan anda.

  • Pilih lebih banyak ikan atau bahan makanan laut yang lain untuk dimakan

  • Buangkan segala lemak yang ternampak pada daging

  • Jangan menggoreng dalam minyak yang banyak. Gunakan teknik kacau-goreng.

  • Memakan lebih banyak sayur-sayuran dan buah-buahan.

  • Memakan lebih banyak roti dan bijirin. Elak dari mengambil roti bulan sabit (croissants), biskut, pastri dan kuih-muih yang manis dan berminyak.


Beberapa bahan makanan yang mengandung kadar kolesterol tinggi/100 gram bahan makanan:

BAHAN MAKANAN/MAKANANKandungan Kolesterol/100 gr BM
Otak2000 mg
Kuning Telur1500 mg
Telur550 mg
Mentega250 mg
Daging Lembu70 mg
Ayam60 mg
Ikan70 mg
Ginjal375 mg
Hati300 mg
Udang125 mg
Keju100 mg

9 Jenis Makanan Anti Kolesterol

  • Soya
    Kacang soya mengandung 48 % protein, lesitin, vitamin dan zat galian. Ia juga dapat menghindarkan penyakit jantung dan kencing manis. Kaya kalsium dan mineral yang membantu memecah lemak. Ia membantu menyusutkan kadar lemak jahat (LDL) dan meningkatkan kadar lemak baik (HDL).
  • Kuaci. Kuaci mempunyai kandungan zat besi. Melakukan pengambilan kuaci jenis tawar seperti dari jenis labu atau bunga matahari untuk menambah zat besi serta mengurangkan kolesterol.
  • Buah Kering
    Antara berbagai jenis buah kering, limau kering adalah yang paling banyak mengandung flavanoid. Pengambilannya mampu menyingkirkan lebihan lemak LDL sehingga dapat mengurangkan resiko serangan jantung.
  • Ikan Tuna. Termasuk sumber asid lemak omega 3 yang popular, selain salmon dan makarel. Omega 3 secara khusus melindungi tubuh daripada peningkatan kadar kolesterol LDL.
  • Kacang Tanah
    Kacang tanah yang dipanggang mengandungi lemak sehat dan kaya dengan vitamin E. Ia boleh menghalang radikal bebas agar tidak merusakkan kolesterol LDL dan dapat menghindari tubuh daripada serangan jantung.
  • Mangga
    Vitamin C banyak terdapat dalam mangga. Sumber lain belimbing, kedodong, betik, rambutan, strawberry dan kiwi. Vitamin C berupaya mencegah kolesterol LDL dalam tubuh.
  • Kismis
    Mengandung sebatian yang mampu menurunkan kolesterol. Sesiap yang mengamalkan diet dengan 400 kalori kismis setiap hari boleh menurunkan kadar kolesterol dalam darah sebanyak 8 %.
  • Oat
    Lebih daripada kajian saintifik yang dijalankan telah menunjukkan bahwa pengambilan oat setiap pagi boleh menurunkan kolesterol dalam darah. Serat mudah larut dalam oat boleh mengurangkan resiko penyakit jantung sekiranya dijadikan sebagian diet rendah lemak dan kolesterol Anda.
  • Jambu Batu
    Ia mampu menurunkan panas. Kolesterol dalam badan sebanyak 18,8 %. Disyorkan mengambilnya setiap hari dalam jumlah mencukupi bagi memastikan khasiatnya bertindak balas kepada tubuh. Jumlah yang disyorkan ialah 400 gm sehari, yang sebiji setengah selama 4 minggu. Bagi mereka yang ingin menurunkan berat badan tanpa melupakan diet seimbang, jambu batu adalah pilihan yang sesuai.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Nuts Are Good For The Heart

This is specially for all those nut eating addicts including myself. Hear this….

A daily dose of nuts-walnuts, almonds, pistachios- can make up for a heart-healthy diet, according to Mayo Clinic researchers.

Most nuts contain some nutrients that can benefit heart health and help with cholesterol control. They include unsaturated fats, omega-3 fatty acids, fibre, 1-arginine and plant sterols. Nuts have been shown to reduce low-density lipoproteins (LDL, or “bad” cholesterol) levels in the blood.

Eating nuts also can reduce the risk of developing blood clots and improve the health of the lining of the arteries. The above benefits suggest that eating nuts, in limited amounts, may reduce the risk of heart disease, though studies haven’t yet proved this conclusively.

Almost any type of nut is nutritious – and high in calories. It is best to eat nuts in moderation, no more than a handful a day. Also, choose unsalted or low-salt versions and use nuts as a substitute for saturated fats, such as those found in meats, eggs and dairy products.

The study has been published in the latest issue of Mayo Clinic Women’s Health Source.

Don’t Pop Vitamins, Just Eat Well!

Guys this is interesting, most of my family members and friends just love to pop VITAMINS. And I’m afraid that really would push me over the edge whenever I tell them not to overindulge in VITAMINS..
So, that’s that. I’ll keep exercising, of course. I’ll eat a reasonably healthy diet, mutton curry including some grilled meat (carcinogen! probably!) here and there. I’ll enjoy a few beers, laugh whenever possible, and plenty of sex and — yes — smoke my daily THC.
Wish me luck. A close friend once told me “I’ve heard that life can result in death. Better watch out for that one”
All those who want to live long here is the new study….
A new study by Catherine Fields the Professor of Nutrition from the University of Alberta say that eating food rich in nutrients is more than enough to boost our immunity against colds and flu instead of just popping too many vitamins.
The good Professor Catherine a dietitian, in her study say “almost all vitamins and minerals play some role in ensuring an optimal immune response…but high doses do not help and may do harm,.”
Here are the vitamins and minerals to fight viruses, and in which food they are found, most, based on the evidence provided by Professor Catherine.
Vitamin C: Optimal vitamin C status has been identified as important for the immune cells involved in defence against viruses.
The main function of vitamin C is to help heal cuts and wounds; keep gum, teeth, and bones healthy; keep blood vessel walls strong and help absorb iron from the foods we eat.
Despite being studied for over 40 years, there is insufficient evidence to advise taking more vitamin C to prevent colds or the flu. The Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) is 75 mg for women and 90 mg for men (an additional 35 mg should be added for smokers).
This is easily obtained by having one to two servings of vitamin C rich citrus fruits (such as oranges), or vegetables like sweet peppers and broccoli.
A higher dose of vitamin C is not without side effects such as causing digestive problems.
Zinc: Zinc is important for the cells involved in defence against viruses. Zinc is also involved in many bodily functions. It supports normal growth and development during pregnancy, childhood and adolescence.
It is also required for a proper sense of smell and taste so that low zinc status can influence your appetite and enjoyment of food.
The current RDA for zinc is eight mg for women and 11 mg for men. The best sources of zinc are seafood, meat, seeds, cooked dried beans, peas and lentils.
A serving of lentils (3/4 cup) provides almost two mg of zinc. Plant sources are less reliable as the level of zinc in plants depends on the content in the soil.
As a result, vegetarians who mainly depend on plant sources of nutrients are advised to consult a dietitian to ensure their needs are being met.
Selenium: Although selenium is important for a healthy immune system, there is little evidence that consuming selenium supplements will reduce the risk of viral infections.
Recommended amounts are small, only 55 micrograms daily for adults, readily obtained from nuts, seafood, organ meat, pork and whole grains. Half a cup of cooked brown rice provides eight to 10 micrograms of selenium and a serving of mixed nuts (or 1/4th cup) has about 150 micrograms of selenium.
Viral infections, such as the flu, are often associated with a fever. However, there is no evidence that “starving a fever” by reducing the amount of food eaten will reduce a fever, says the University of Alberta statement.
In fact, a fever is a helpful means used by our own immune system in order to fight off the viral infection. If we stop eating, the immune system doesn’t work as well and all of the nutrients mentioned above, as well as many others, are important to the immune system.
The bottom line is “the key to good health is eating a well-planned balanced diet that focuses on variety”, concludes Professor Catherine.

Friday, December 04, 2009

How to prevent mosquitoes lay eggs, cheapest way of preventing survival of mosquitoes

We cannot stop mosquitoes lay eggs at any stagnant water in drains/ponds or water collected in waste pails, tanks, tins, used tyres etc. etc. Of course if you have fish inside the tanks/containers then there should be no problem.
Do you know that there is a very simple and very economical way to destroy the mosquitoes' eggs and not let them hatch into larvae. Very very simple, just put in few 1 cent copper coins into the tanks/containers then it will solve all your problems. Because in accordance to Japanese Research Scientists, they found the mosquitoes eggs will be destroyed by a kind of mineral discharge from the copper. DON'T BELIEVE, Try it by yourself and even the small snails also will not visit the containers (with copper coins) collected with stagnant water. Your will observe the water collected in the containers will be very clean and clear.
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